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F# for Darklang developers

This guide aims to introduce you to enough F# contribute to Darklang, assuming you already know Darklang.

Some simple F# code

Darklang and F# are very similar. Here's an example function in F#:

let someFunction (intArgument : int) : string =
let aString = "myString"
let anInt = 65 + intArgument
let aFloat = 6.72
anotherFunction aString anInt aFloat

This is a function called someFunction, which takes one argument, an int called intArgument, and returns a string. Three variables are defined in the body, first a string, then an int, then a float, and finally we call the anotherFunction function with all three parameters as arguments.

In Darklang this would be written:

intArgument : Int
↪ String

let aString = "myString"
let anInt = 65 + intArgument
let aFloat = 6.72
anotherFunction aString anInt aFloat

Darklang vs F#

Darklang and F# are all influenced by OCaml. Though Darklang is currently a subset of these languages, Darklang will continue to grow some more of their features. We'll discuss the similarities and differences as we go through language features.


F# is a strongly typed-languages. Darklang aspires to be, but it doesn't have a type-checker yet. This shows the biggest difference in between working in these languages, that the compiler will refuse to compile if the types are wrong.

F# has type-inference, which means that the compiler will try and figure out what the types are. Usually type errors actually contain useful information, but they need to be read very carefully to find it.

We've found the best way to debug incorrect types is to add type annotations to everything. We add them to all functions (we didn't always do this, but we do now, but we are now), including all parameters and return types (see example below).

In F#, you can actually add types in many places where they aren't required, such as variable definitions:

let y = 6.7
let (x : int) = 6
x + 5

x here, despite being a normal variable definition, has a type signature. F# allows this in many places, and it's useful for tracking down these errors.

We'll discuss declaring types below.


Functions in F# are defined in the outer scope. Type signatures are optional but we always use them:

let myFunction (arg1 : int) (arg2 : string) : string =
if arg1 < (String.toInt arg2)
then "just return a string"
else arg2

Here, myFunction has two arguments, arg1 and arg2, which are an int and string respectively. It returns a string.

Like in Darklang, the body of a function is just an expression, and it automatically returns the result of that expression.

(see below for more details on functions in F#)

Standard library

Most of the code in Darklang uses Tablecloth.

Note: for implementing the standard libraries, we do not use Tablecloth as it is still pretty new and may be in flux. Instead, we try to make sure that we use libraries from .NET, FSharp.Core, or if necessary, the FSharpPlus library.


An int is the same in Darklang and F#, same syntax, same meaning. Note that ints are 32-bit in F#, and 64-bit in Darklang.

let x = 5
x + 6


A float is the same in Darklang and F#, both of them are 64-bit floating point numbers.

To convert from floats to ints use Float.toInt, or Float.round.


Like in Darklang, bools in F# are either true or false.


Strings are Unicode in Darklang and F#. While you're unlikely to hit differences in practice, they do actually use a different in-memory representation, with Darklang using UTF-8, and F# using .NET's UTF-16.

let myString = "some string, escaping is allowed\nwhich dark doesn't support yet" in

String Interpolation

Darklang and F# support string interpolation. In F#:

let x = 6
let y = 7.8
let myString = $"some string with x: {x} and also {y}"


Lists in Darklang and F# are almost the same. In F#, lists use ; as separators, like so:

[1; 2; 3; 4]

(However, F# allows separators to be omitted which the list elements are lined up vertically, as it uses indentation as the separator).

While Darklang technically allows you to create lists that have different types in them (which you should not do), F# emphatically does not.

To type check a list in F#, you use List<int>.


Records are mostly used as objects are in most languages. Like Darklang, they only have fields, not methods, and you use functions to manipulate them.

F# uses a familiar syntax, but with = instead of :. It also allows you tes use indentation instead of separators:

field1 = 56
field2 = true
field3 = "asd"

Note that F# uses = to connect a field and a value, and ; as row separator. The types of the fields do not have to be declared.

Records are immutable, like almost everything in F#, and are updated using an unusual syntax:

let x = { field1 = 56; field2 = true }
let updatedX = { x with field1 = 57 }
doSomethingWith updatedX

Note that records in Darklang are really dictionaries, which is why you update them with Dict::set. We're trying to figure out how to split records and dictionaries apart better in Darklang, after which they will be more like F#.

Type definitions for records look like this in F#:

type Person =
name : string
; age : int


lets in F# are the same as in Darklang:

let x = 45
x + 23

let also allow destructing in F#, although we don't currently use that very often.


if statements in F# are extremely similar to Darklang, including that they only allow bools as the condition, and in their syntax.

In F#:

if hasAccess user
then "Welcome!"
else "Access denied"


F# has some unusual operators. Most importantly, the equality operator is = (that's just one equals sign), whereas in most languages it's == (including Darklang). = is very strict equality, equivalent to === in languages that have that, such as JS.

F# also has a == operator, but you should never use it.

F# use <> for inequality (!= in Darklang).


Darklang has a match statement that is very similar to F#, with slightly different syntax. In Darklang you write:

match myValue
Some x -> 5
_ -> 6

while in F# you write

match myValue with
| Some x -> 5
| _ -> 6

Notice the with keyword, and starting the patterns with |.

F# also support more powerful matches, for example multiple patterns can match a single branch:

match myValue with
| 4 | 5 | 6 -> "between 4 and 6"
| _ -> "not between 4 and 6"

F# also supports the when clause:

match myValue with
| Some myInt when myInt >= 4 && myInt <= 6 -> "between 4 and 6"
| _ -> "not between 4 and 6"


Darklang has a handful of enums for Option and Result types: Just, Nothing, Ok and Error. In the future we will expand this to allow user-defined types as well.

F# supports the Option and Result types and we use them a lot. However, the constructors for Option are named differently; both languages use: Some and None instead of Just and Nothing.

These enums are typically called "variants". We use them frequently, especially to represent expressions. For example in FluidExpression.fs:

type Expr =
| EInteger of id * int64
| EBool of id * bool
| EString of id * string
| EFloat of id * string * string
| ENull of id
| EBlank of id
| ELet of id * string * Expr * Expr
| EIf of id * Expr * Expr * Expr
| EBinOp of id * string * Expr * Expr * sendToRail
| ELambda of id * List<(analysisID * string)> * Expr
| EFieldAccess of id * Expr * string
| EVariable of id * string
| EFnCall of id * string * List<Expr> * sendToRail
| EList of id * List<Expr>
| ERecord of id * (string * Expr) list
| EPipe of id * List<Expr>
| EConstructor of id * string * List<Expr>
| EMatch of id * Expr * List<(MatchPattern * Expr)>
| EPipeTarget of id
let expr = EInteger (id, "test")

To get values from them, you pattern match:

match expr with
| EInteger (_, str) -> str
| _ -> "not an int"


F# supports lambdas and we use them frequently. They have a different syntax to Darklang, F# uses:

|> (fun elem -> elem + 2)


Both languages have pipes which are the same as in Darklang. In Darklang, the passed argument goes into the first position. That is not true F#, where it goes into the last position. As a result, we tend to put the "subject" of the function in the pipeable position (first in Darklang, last in F#).


Dictionaries (hash-maps, etc) are called Map in F#.


F# and Darklang have a unit type, whose only member is (). That's an actual value, for example, all this is valid code:

let falseVar = () != () in

It's typically used to pass to a function which is impure but doesn't have any meaningful arguments, such as gid () (which generates IDs).

Error handling

Typically we use Result or Options for error handling. You'll very commonly see something like

let isRailable (m : model) (name : string) =
|> Functions.find name
|> (fun fn ->
fn.fnReturnTipe = TOption || fn.fnReturnTipe = TResult)
|> Option.withDefault false

To find out if a function goes on the error rail, we search for a function, which returns an Option. We then use a map to operate on the option, and finally choose a default in case the Option returned None.


F# has exceptions - thought we'd like to use them less.

Unfortunately, it's hard to tell when an exception could be thrown.

Imperative programming

F# supports imperative programming which Darklang does not support yet.

F# has mutable values that it prefers to refs (it has refs, but they're deprecated). Mutable values are used like so:

let mutable myString = "old value"
myString <- "new value"


For functions that perform IO, you'll need to use the uply or task "computation expression". A "computation expression" is a special F# language feature for writing abstractions with a nice syntax. The uply CE allows using a specialized asynchronous structure called Ply (which is extremely similar to a .Net Task) easily, and can best be illustrated with an example:

| state, [ DObj value; DStr key; DDB dbname ] ->
uply {
let db = state.dbs.[dbname]
let! _id = UserDB.set state true db key value
return DObj value
| _ -> incorrectArgs ())

Let's break this down line by line:

  • uply {: this creates the CE, whose return value will be a Ply<'any>.
  • let db = state.dbs.[dbname] - this is just regular F# code
  • let! _id = UserDB.set state true db key value - the special thing here is the let! - this line calls UserDB.set, a function which returns a Ply, and unwraps the Ply. This means that _id can be treated as a normal value for the rest of this taskv.
  • return DObj value - return takes an ordinary value and turns it into a Ply, in this case a Ply<Dval>.

Why do we go through all this trouble? Because this is an async runtime, and let! and return are the enablers of the asynchronicity. A Ply is a promise, and let! waits for the promise and then continues (running other code while the IO is still pending). This is the exact same as the async keyword in JS, Rust, C# or Python.

Note that while we primarily use Ply and uply inside the Interpreter, most of our other async code use Task and task. These are interchangeable except that Tasks are a little slower.

Advanced functions

Partial application / currying

Occasionally you'll see a function called with fewer arguments than it has parameters:

let myFunction (param1: int) (param2 : string) =

let myOtherFunction = myFunction 6

This is called "partial application", in that the function is only partially called (this is often called Currying in the functional language community). This just means that some parameters are filled in, and you now have a function which can be called with the remaining parameters:

let () =
myOtherfunction "final argument"

This is the same as if it were defined as:

let myOtherFunction (param : string) =
myFunction 6 param

Darklang's codebase history

Darklang's backend was originally written in OCaml, and then ported to F# in 2021/2022. A lot of code is written the way it is because that made sense in OCaml, especially code with the comment // CLEANUP in it.

Darklang's frontend was originally written in Elm, before being ported to ReScript. It was removed in 2023.