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General concepts

Editor vs Production (how code runs)

Code runs in two places in Darklang: in the Editor, and in Production. In production, we have a Kubernetes cluster of interpreters with HTTP servers which are connected to a database, connected to the internet via Google Cloud infrastructure, that run Darklang programs.

When requests are made in production we save their inputs and intermediate values (combined, these form a "trace", discussed below). Those are sent to the client.

The Darklang interpreter is also compiled to WebAssembly and is available in the browser in the client. The traces are sent to the WASM-compiled interpreter, which uses their results to fill in for functions which can't be run on the client (such as DB functions).

Traces & Live values

When a request is made to a production server, the inputs (typically a HTTP request) are saved. We also save intermediate results of functions which are called during the request. Together, these comprise a trace. Traces are shown in the editor and users can choose between them.


"Toplevel" is the generic name for a part of a Darklang program, either a handler (whether a HTTP handler, a Cron or a worker), a function, a type, or a database.

Structural toplevels are toplevels which are part of the structure of your program: handlers and DBs. These live on the canvas.

Other toplevels are non-structural, and they don't live on the canvas or really anywhere. We have started to affectionately refer to the display for these as the "function space". (There is a design for what should happen here, but we have not done it yet).

The path of an edit

Most characters that you type are immediately saved in our production database (in, according to our claim, 50ms). Edits are either made to program code, which is part of the "Fluid" editing system, or to handlers, databases, function parameters, or similar metadata, which is part of the "Forms" editing system (originally, all edits were of the "forms" variety - the name was added post-hoc to differentiate it from "fluid").

For Fluid, this is the journey:

  • the event processed by FluidKeyboard.res, creating a FluidMsg
  • Fluid.res recognized the FluidMsg, calling updateKey
  • updateKey looks at the current caret position, and at the "tokens" before and after the caret, to figure out what's happening
  • updateKey makes a transformation based on whatever it decided
  • the AST for that code is transformed
  • FluidAutocomplete may be regenerated, if necessary
  • the browser's animation event fires, causing a re-render. The AST is "tokenized", essentially pretty-printing it as HTML, which then renders
  • an API call is made to send the change to the server (detailed below)

For forms, the journey is similar:

  • the event is processed by KeyPress.res
  • the contents of m.complete.value are updated (this is where the value in the forms box is stored)
  • the Autocomplete values are regenerated
  • after pressing enter, or clicking away, the change is made
  • an API call is made to send the change to the server (detailed below)

Sending the change to the server

When a change is made, typically an AddOp modification is made. That modification is returned by many of the functions that edit programs, and it's processed in Main.res. This passes into API.res, where it serializes the Op change into a JSON via encoders (see Enconders.res and Decoders.res).

The change is accepted by ApiServer.fs in the backend, where it is decoded, applied to the program, and then saved into the database. Saving the program involves a special binary serialization format, in BinarySerialization.fs.

After being saved, it is sent to, the websockets vendor we use. This is sent to other clients which then update their programs. It is also sent to the original editor, who ignores it.


An "AST" is an "Abstract syntax tree". The simple explanation is that it's a set of "classes" and "objects" representing programs. (Abstract syntax tree means the programs representation (the "syntax tree") without the annoying syntactic details like commas and semi-colons (hence "abstract")).

In Darklang, it's defined in FluidExpression.res, and at time of writing looks like this:

type sendToRail =
| Rail
| NoRail

type expr =
| EInteger of id * string
| EBool of id * bool
| EString of id * string
| EFloat of id * string * string
| ENull of id
| EBlank of id
| ELet of id * string * expr * expr
| EIf of id * expr * expr * expr
| EBinOp of id * string * expr * expr * sendToRail
| ELambda of id * (id * string) list * expr
| EFieldAccess of id * expr * string
| EVariable of id * string
| EFnCall of id * string * expr list * sendToRail

| EPartial of id * string * expr
| ERightPartial of id * string * expr
| ELeftPartial of id * string * expr
| EList of id * expr list
| ERecord of id * (string * expr) list
| EPipe of id * expr list
| EConstructor of id * string * expr list
| EMatch of id * expr * (matchPattern * expr) list
| EPipeTarget of id
| EFeatureFlag of id * string * expr * expr * expr
| ETuple of id * expr * expr * expr list

type matchPattern =
| MPNull of id * id
| MPBlank of id * id
| MPBool of id * id * bool
| MPVariable of id * id * string
| MPInteger of id * id * string
| MPFloat of id * id * string * string
| MPString of id * id * string
| MPConstructor of id * id * string * matchPattern list
| MPTuple of id * id * matchPattern * matchPattern * matchPattern list

These definitions are in F# (we have a guide to F# for Darklang developers). Briefly, this means that an expr is an integer (which is made up of an id and a string) or a bool (made up of an id and a string), or a match (which is an id, an expression to match on, and a list of patterns and expressions), etc

This definition is slightly simplified, but it's close. There's definitions for literals like ints and strings, for definitions like lets, for function calls with EBinOp and EFnCall, and also for various editor-specific intermediate states like EPartial and ERightPartial.

Each expression has an id that is used to uniquely refer to the expression. This is used when editing programs, and to relate live values from the analysis engine to the display in the editor. If an ID is duplicated by accident, the editor will act weirdly, but the program will work fine.

FluidMatchPattern.res and FluidExpression.res also contain functions for changing match patterns and expressions easily, either by changing the by ID or by traversing across the entire structure. Traversing the structure is generally pretty fast.