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Language Details

This doc describes the Darklang language. Darklang is really a system - a combination of the language, editor, framework and infrastructure. In this doc, we'll focus on discussing the language itself, ignoring where possible the editor and infrastructure.

This discusses both the language and the intended language. We have taken many shortcuts to be able to ship Darklang, and so many parts of the language are not currently at their end state. Here we discuss both what the language is, and what we intend it to be.

Darklang is a statically-typed functional/imperative hybrid, based loosely on ML. It is a high-level language, with immutable values, garbage collection, and support for generics/polymorphic types.

Darklang is somewhat similar to OCaml or Elm. It has many similarities to Rust and Haskell, and is also influenced by Clojure, Ruby, Python, CoffeeScript, as well as our experience with (alphabetically) Bash, C, Clojure, CoffeeScript, C++, Elm, Javascript, Java, Haskell, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, ReasonML, Ruby/Rails, React, and Rust.

Type system

Dark’s type system is most similar to Elm, Haskell, ReasonML, OCaml or Rust: based on records, enums, list, and built-in generics/polymorphism. All values in Darklang are immutable, except refs.

Darklang has some standard basic types: int, string, boolean, float, list, and dicts.

We support typical functional types: Option and Result.

Currently, Darklang has a null type to support JSON values directly. In the future, we intend to deprecate null and replace it with Options.

Built-in types


Integers are signed 63-bit integer.

In the future, Darklang will use infinite-precision integers. We also intend to add unsigned 8-bit integers and bit-manipulation functions.


Floats are double-precision 64-bit floating-point values (IEEE 754).

We intend for numeric operations to return Results, to handle situations which are undefined on the datatype. For example, integer division would return Result Error Int. Similarly, floating point values would never be NaN, and instead would return Result Error Float. See Error Handling in Darklang for more.


Booleans are true or false.


Strings are unicode, and character are unicode “characters” (if it appears as one character on the screen, that’s a “character” in Darklang).

Specifically, string are immutable UTF-8 encoded sequences of Unicode code points. Chars are “Extended Grapheme Clusters”. (A codepoint is some bytes that implement unicode characters, a grapheme is some codepoints forming a unicode entity, such as an emoji; an EGC is some graphemes, used to handle things like emojis which combine to form a single emoji).

Darklang doesn't currently support string interpolation, but we plan to in the future.


A character in Darklang represents a character that you see on your screen, such as 'a', '1', 'Ż', '🇵🇷', '👩‍👩‍👧‍👦'. This is in contrast to most languages, where a character represents one byte, or perhaps a Unicode codepoint. We chose this

The technical name for a Darklang character is an Extended Grapheme Cluster, and can best be thought of as supporting the entire character you see in front of you - in the case of emoji, this includes such things as combining characters and skin tones. See [Strings](### Strings) above for additional context.

While the Darklang language has support for Characters, the Editor experience with Characters is quite limited. For example, we do not yet support Character literals using single quotes, such as 'a'. Until proper support exists, you can define a Char in Darklang rather indirectly: let charExample = "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦" |> String::toList |> List.head.


Lists and Arrays use the same datatype, called Lists. The Darklang compiler will in the future optimize their implementation to support good algorithmic complexity and performance for whatever you use them for.

Lists should be used for all “I want a sequence of things” situations, including iterating across them, random access, push/pop, etc.

let x = [8]
let y = List::append x [6]
[8, 6]

List Example

Tuples (In-Progress)

Darklang supports tuples: lists of defined length supporting heterogeneous types.

Tuple support is currently a work-in-progress, and only available in the editor after opting in via the Settings dialog. Feedback is welcome!

See Release 5 in the changelog for a demo of opting in.

let x = (1, "string", { name: "Sam" })
  • Tuples can be created in the editor by entering ( in a blank.

  • Inserting additional separators (,) extends the size of the tuple; removing separators/elements reduces the size, generally removing the element to the left of the separator

  • Darklang's Standard Library includes Tuple2 and Tuple3 modules, which provide functions used to work with tuples of size 2 and 3.

  • Pattern matching with match supports tuples:

    let headers = Dict::toList request.headers
    let contentTypePlain =
    List::findFirst headers \header ->
    let (key, value) = Tuple2::mapFirst (\key -> String::toLower key) header
    match (key, value)
    ("content-type", "application/json") -> Just "json"
    ("content-type", "text/html") -> Just "html"
    _ -> Nothing

    Tuple match patterns can be created and extended the same way as tuple expressions.

The following constructs are planned but not yet implemented:

  • Tuples can be deconstructed into their parts via a let expression:

    let philadelphia = (39.9526, 75.1652)
    let (lat, long) = philadelphia
  • User functions may accept and return Tuples (TODO: I'm not sure how to phrase this)


Non-unicode sequences of bytes are supported as the Binary type.


Instead of allowing all values to potentially be null, as in most imperative languages, Darklang uses an Option type:

Option a = Just a | Nothing

Option Example

This is intended to convert effortlessly to null in JSON, but we don't quite have enough of the type system to remove null, so they both exist right now.

Functions which return Option trigger the Error Rail.


Any functions which can have an error should use Results. We use results for Int division, Float operations, HTTP operations, etc.

Result a = Ok a | Err Error

Darklang has no exceptions - all errors go through Results. See error handling for more details.

Result Example


Dicts are maps from a certain key type to a certain value type. The key must currently be a string. The value can be any type but all elements of the Dict are the same type (not currently enforced).

Dicts are different than records: dicts can have arbitrary keys.


Darklang supports UUIDs directly.


As a temporary hack, Darklang also supports null. This allows us handle JSON while we build out enough type-system support to allow them to be replaced by Option.

Null is mostly useful for comparing against incoming JSON and results of HttpClient calls. When returning JSON or making HttpClient calls, you can use Options instead and they will be converted properly to null in the JSON output.

User defined types

Darklang currently has limited support for user-defined types. Currently, we support inline definition of records, but do not support defining record types explicitly.

Record types are actually implemented under the hood, and we intend to use them to support typed Datastores, API contracts, and static types.

Darklang does not currently support user-defined enums.

User-defined types will be either records or enums, or combinations of other type expressions.

Types in Darklang are out-of-line, meaning that they are not defined “on the canvas”, in a similar way to functions.

All types in Darklang will be versioned.

In the future, we intend to support typeclasses or traits to allow ad-hoc polymorphism.


Records are most akin to Classes in an imperative language.

Records are a set of keys and values. Each key name and type are defined, and the types do not have to be the same.

let x = { name: "Robin"
age: 32
gender: "Other"

Records can not be accessed dynamically; they are not Maps/Hashtables/Dicts.

Records are structurally typed, and are equivalent to records of the same shape but a different name.

Note that at the moment, Dicts and Records share the same implementation and can be accessed and modified in the same way. We intend to break these apart in the future.


Enums are a set of “constructors”, each of which has a set of typed arguments.

Currently, Darklang only supports Option and Result built-in enums. In the future, we will support user-defined enums.

type Person = Human {age: Int, name: String, itin: String }
| Corporation {age: Int, name: String, ein: String }
| Puppers Int String

Enums can be made by building on existing types, especially records and other enums.

Enums are nominally typed. (Two enums with the same field names and types are not equivalent).

Types unique to Darklang


Programs in Darklang start as a single empty expression. As they get built up in our structured editor, they can never become syntactically invalid. However, a program may be incomplete if any its expressions are empty.

An empty expression is incomplete. A developer may write programs where some parts are incomplete as they build out the code. As such, incomplete values appear dynamically when the code is executed. Structures containing incompletes are themselves incomplete. For example functions with incomplete arguments do not execute, and return incomplete; and records with an incomplete field are also incomplete.

Incompletes are never returned to end users, and cannot be stored in a datastore. Returning an incomplete via a HTTP handler causes a 500 error.

Error rail

You might occasionally see a value marked <ErrorRail>, this is used to indicate that a value is on the Error Rail. See Railway Oriented Programming for more details.

Sensitive Types

Some values are sensitive, for example, passwords or credit card numbers.

Currently Darklang supports the Password type, which is never saved directly or sent to the editor.

In the future, Darklang will allow you to specify types of sensitive values, preventing them from being stored in logs, and allowing a team to limit who has access to these values in the Darklang editor.


All Darklang language constructs are expressions. That means that they evaluate to a value, rather than being used to set state.


Lets creates a name with an immutable value, and a scope in which that is defined.

let name = "Stella"

We often refer to these names as variables, for simplicity. However, they never vary: once they are defined, they never have any other value.

Variable Scope

if age > 18
let height = 170
height + 12
let weight = 105
weight / 2

In the example above, the scope of height and weight only extends to within the then block and else block respectively. You cannot use either variable below the if expression.


Darklang supports if/else statement. The argument to an if is a boolean. We currently support truthy types but intend to remove that ability.

We support && and ||, which short-circuit (only evaluate the second expression if needed). However, we used to support versions of && and || that did not short-circuit; those are deprecated (the editor will show documentation about how to move to the new versions).

An if is not currently allowed without a corresponding else - we will relax this after we introduce statements.

If Example


Darklang supports pattern matching, in particular, matching on Enums.

let introduction =
match name with
| Nothing -> "Hi!"
| Just name -> "Dear " ++ name

We expect to allow guards in the future. We also hope to add an if-let construct to support if statements that destructure from Enums.


Functions must have type declarations for inputs. We intend to support types on return values soon.

fetch url name =
{ url: url
, name: name

Functions in Darklang are simple, and do not currently support functional language concepts, such as partial application, functions as first-class values, and defining functions in using points-free style.

Functions do not live in the “Canvas”, but rather are a little bit ethereal.

Built-in functions are all versioned: we frequently deprecate old functions and add updates. When we deprecate old versions, your code does not change, and you keep using the old ones. We intend to support automated refactoring and updating in the future.

In the future, we intend to support partial application/currying, and default/optional parameters.


Lambdas are anonymous functions. They are used to pass to functions which take Blocks, typically used for iteration.

List::map [5, 10, 11] \var -> var + 2
[7, 12, 13]

In the future, we intend to support a syntax for shorthands for creating lambdas to access fields: .fieldname. This can be included in a pipe or used as a first class function.

We also intend to support passing functions where blocks are expected.

There is a syntax for shorthands for creating lambda’s to call constructors: ConstructorName. This can be included in a pipe or used as a first class function.


Darklang programs are intended to be written, as much as possible, as pipelines of data:

|> getFriends
|> (\f -> (f, getFriends f))
|> List.filter (\f -> == "Kevin Bacon")
|> (=) []

Feature Flags

Feature flags are similar to ifs:

flag myCondition
then 5
else 6

However, flags differ slightly from ifs in that any condition that is not true will cause the then block to activate. This is especially important around incompletes, allowing you to take working code and edit the feature flag without disturbing existing users. In an if statement, neither branch would execute.

Planned language features


We intend for Darklang to support Sets: unordered collections of a single type.


We intend to support the unit type, which indicates something that have no type, such as an imperative function that doesn't return anything.

x = ()

Imperative programming (Statements and refs)

It is intended that you write the program as you think it, not to shoehorn your program into a functional style. As such, Darklang is planning to add a number of imperative concepts to allow you to easily write imperative algorithms, including statements, refs, and mutable data structures.