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Datastores in Darklang are key-value based (persistent hash-maps). When you create a new datastore, you specify the schema for the record.

Empty Datastore

The key is the unique identifier for each record, and is always of type string. The key is not visible when looking at the Datastore's schema on the canvas. You cannot mark a record field as the key, but you can use the same value for the field and the key when using Db::set. An expected response when retrieving a set of records, with keys, is as following:

[{key: { key1: value1, key2: value2} }, {key: { key1: value3, key2: value4}]

You query datastores in four ways:

  • By key (DB::get family)
  • By specific field (DB::queryExactField family)
  • By criteria for a specific field (DB::query family)
  • By gathering information about the entire datastore

Datastores return one or many results, with or without keys.


The schema is the same for all of these key examples:

Datastore Schema

Some common key choices:

  • A unique field (like userId). If the field is not already a string use toString. The key is shown in the preview data.

[{"1": { userId: 1, name: "Ellen", pets: ["Gutenberg"]} }, {"2": { userId: 2, name: "Paul", pets: []}]

  • A unique derivative of a field (like name and UserId, or a slug).

[{"ellen1": { userId: 1, name: "Ellen", pets: ["Gutenberg"]} }, {"paul2": { userId: 2, name: "Paul", pets: []}]

  • A unique identifier generated programmatically (DB::generateKey).

[{"dee09c7e-6ede-402d-9ea4-4ee8fe843688": { id: 1, name: "Ellen", pets: ["Gutenberg"]} }, {"ac7d4f1f-a164-4450-96f3-728b087bb9f4": { id: 2, name: "Paul", pets: []}]


The datastore holds records. In the future, datastores will be defined by type, but for now you manually create the schema. Available types are: String, Int, Bool, Float, Password, Date, UUID, Dict (and lists of those).

DB Functions

Datastore operators are built into the language. All functions are independently versioned. In your canvas you will see the latest version, as well as any versions you are currently using.

A list of all datastore functions is available in the function reference.

Adding a record to a Datastore

To add items into a datastore, use DB::set. DB::set takes three parameters (the record to be added, its unique key, and the datastore).


For the earlier example datastore, using this with userID as the key would look as follows:


Using the a generated key with DB::generateKey would look like this instead:


Datastore meta-actions

Some datastore functions provide ability to do something to the entire datastore, and only require the datastore as the parameter.

Any datastore function that includes 'with keys' returns both the key and the value, a list of nested dictionaries [{"1": { userId: 1, name: "Ellen", pets: ["Gutenberg"]} }, {"2": { userId: 2, name: "Paul", pets: []}]

Functions that do not include 'with keys' return just the values, a list of dictionaries [{ userId: 1, name: "Ellen", pets: ["Gutenberg"]} , {userId: 2, name: "Paul", pets: []}]

These include:

  • DB::count
  • DB::deleteAll
  • DB::getAll
  • DB::getAllwithKeys
  • DB::keys
  • DB::schemaFields
  • DB::schema

To easily see is in your Datastore, create a REPL and running DB::getAll.

Querying by key, DB::get

The key is a good way to be able to find information in the datastore. DB::get finds records by key (reminder: withKeys returns nested dictionaries including keys, so DB::get does not return the key). Datastore functions that allow action based on key are:

  • DB::delete
  • DB::get
  • DB::getMany
  • DB::getManywithKeys

Querying by record field, DB::queryExactField

Using DB::queryExactField checks for a specific field within the record. DB::queryOnewithExactField finds one response, whereas DB::queryExactFields will return as many as exist. (reminder: withKeys returns nested dictionaries including keys).

  • DB::queryExactFields
  • DB::queryExactFieldswithKey
  • DB::queryOnewithExactField
  • DB::queryOneWithExactFieldWithKey

Querying by criteria, DB::query (experimental SQL Compiler)

For being able to run more effective datastore queries, we also have a query compiler. More about this feature is in this blog post.

This allows you to write a function that can be evaluated for the datastore.


DB::query allows taking a datastore and a block filter. Note that this does not check every value in the table but rather is optimized to find data with indexes. Errors at compile-time if Darklang's compiler does not yet support the code in question (please let us know when you hit this, and which function you wanted to use!)

You can also use DB::querywithKey to get both the key and record, DB::queryOne to get only one response, and DB::queryOnewithKey to get only one response, with the key and record.

Creating References Between DBs

This canvas shows the way to create a reference between two datastores: in this case between Darklang employees and their pets:

Users have a pets field, which is a list of strings. The keys for the pets are added to that list.

Migrations, Locking, and Unlocking

You can edit the DB’s schema (col names and types) until it has data in it, at which point it “locks.” Once a datastore is locked, there are several options for changing the schema.

If you are still in development and don’t need the data, creating a REPL and deleting all data in a DB will unlock it (DB::deleteAll).

To change your schema without deleting the data, you can use a live migration process. In the future, this will be built into Darklang, but for now you can follow Paul Shen's excellent guide to the process.

Using an External Datastore

We strongly recommend using this built-in datastore. If you have an external database, you can connect to it via REST.